Mango Pudding (30 May 09)

Mango Pudding

Decided to make some mango pudding for families as dessert.
I realized that I am really lousy at making pudding. I always have difficulties removing the pudding from the mould. For this attempt, it is even more difficult to remove the pudding from the mould.

Out of shape Mickey Mouse mango puddings

The pudding start to melt after leaving in the room temperature for a while. Why is this so?

I use gelatine to solidify the mango juice but the gelatine doesn't seem to be a good choice to use. In the end, I put all the individual puddings in a container and put back to the fridge to cool it.

My sister-in-law help me to cut the pudding into cubes once it is solidify and I quickly divide them among my family. Give up in the making of pudding. I am really not good at pudding! Maybe I should get one of those pudding recipe books as reference..

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