Super Mini Chocolate Cupcakes (21 Apr 09)

Yummy Chocolate Cuppies

I don't have time to bake rainbow cupcakes for my niece's classmates & teachers for her birthday this time round. So decided to bake some mini chocolate cupcakes, topped with chocolate ganache & rainbow candies for her. Nothing can be more perfect than to top chocolate ganache on the chocolate cupcakes!!!

This is my 1st attempt to do swirl effect with frosting. Actually some swirls are not nicely done as I am too tired.. completed this batch of cuppies at 1am.

Using super mini paper cuppies (usually used for biscuits), I managed to make 72 mini cupcakes. Ate 2 of these mini cupcakes (1 for my hubby & 1 for myself). This is my 1st attempt to bake chocolate cupcakes, so I must taste it myself & let my hubby QC 1st, before I gave the 70 mini chocolate cupcakes to my niece. It's nice! Nothing can go wrong with chocolate! ^_^

Super Mini chocolate cupcake with chocolate ganache:

Cupcakes decorated with heart shape & rainbow candies (this is specially for my niece):

Cupcakes decorated with star shape & rainbow candies for her classmates & teachers:

My niece told me these chocolate cupcakes are nice & she received good feedbacks from her friends & teachers ^_^

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